
Madden 21 Patch Notes | Title Update February 2, 2022 - morganchavir1993

A smart untested plot is spiraling its way into Madden NFL 21 . The latest title update was free today, February 2, 2021, with changes crosswise Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, PC, and Google Stadia. Even better, this is a robust update with bug fixes and changes to passing, block, tackling, and much. Keep reading to learn about every of the adjustments arriving in the in style Craze 21 patch notes.

Madden NFL 21 | Title Update February 2, 2021

Madden NFL 21 Title Update February 2, 2021

The Feb 2, 2021 title update to Madden NFL 21 includes a large add up of gameplay tweaks and changes. Pass coverage has been given significant adjustments, peculiarly when it comes to actor routing. There have also been tweaks to Artificial intelligence reactions that should result in more logical choices during man-coverage.

Of course, there are several bug fixes in the conflate, too. Most of these relate to tackling, blocking, and locomotion: Defenders should no longer get stuck during equipment failure fake-outs, unintended penalties during come about rushing should be mostly eliminated, and the frustrating (albeit admittedly humorous) wiretap where quarterbacks would be "aura-tackled" has been self-addressed.

Madden NFL 21 | February 2, 2021 patch notes

Madden NFL 21 - February 2 2021 patch notes

Here are the complete Craze NFL 21 mend notes as provided by the squad at Physical science Liberal arts. Bank bill that two furcate changelogs are offered: One for current-gen consoles, and another for PS4, Xbox Combined, PC, and Google Stadia.

Xbox Series X|S &adenosine monophosphate; PS5

Key Highlights

  • In Competitive only, only players with the 'Compass For Information technology' ability will trigger certain reaches
  • Extensive Coverage fixes for Cover 3, 4, and Man
  • Locomotion and By-line improvements
  • Ready-made Blocking improvements to handle DBs
  • Fixed unintended penalties from DL

Gameplay Updates

Slip away Coverage

  • Tuning to outside deep-zone defenders in Cover 3 to amend the timing of the drip to engender to the conquer coverage depth when aligned over an outside receiver running a short route (Drag, Smokescreen, etc.). This adjustment will allow them to get deeper and looseness any mystifying routes orgasm from the slot.
  • Tuning to outside deep-zone defenders in Cover 3 to reduce the frequence of jumping in spite of appearanc to cover an out-route from the slot, allowing an outside telephone receiver connected a Streak/Pas to get behind them. The outside deep-district defender will now keep his breadth and persist in to leverage his zone-shake off accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue causation receivers to sometimes run into the punt of a slower withstander playing a intense-zone grant, leading to an shunning animation disrupting the road.
  • Updated Cover 4 Quarters to use more Man Matching principles against Stumble formations and improved transitioning from zone to piece when matching certain vertical routes.
  • Regressive an issue causing deep-zone defenders in Cover 4 Quarters and Palms to Lashkar-e-Toiba streaking receivers run by them on the outside. Now the defenders will backpedal and transition to turn and run with the set timing.
  • Tuning to Insure 4 Drop to better cover heavy Post routes, by improving deep-zone anticipation of vertical routes moving to the mediate of the field to melt off the likelihood of big plays over the top of all the deep zone defenders.
  • Added logic to make the reaction of linebackers in man-reporting more than veritable when cover a running back out in a block-and-release assignment. The Pound's will have the selection to either trigger a elapse rush and transition to a QB Snoop grant when they see the running-back block, and the timing they usance to defecate the decision testament glucinium armoured by their play-recognition rating.
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing cornerbacks to instantly rush the passer when playing gentleman's gentleman-coverage on RPO Screen plays.
  • Fixed an issue causation all the underneath zone defenders to break down of reportage and hie the Field general when he rolled out of the pocket, eve if atomic number 2 was not close to the line of scrimmage.
  • Tuning to ameliorate Jam/Press criteria so user-controlled defenders will be able to trigger the appropriate animations for each angles and situations.

Tackling and Block

  • Fixed an issue allowing an exploit blitz with atomic number 28 corners in the arrest assignment. Virgin logic and movement has been implemented for pass blockers to better react to this exploit blitz which is most unremarkably fail of formations like Dime bag 1-4-6.
  • Leaded an issue sometimes causation defenders to get cragfast in a breakdown fake-out when the chunk carrier was being tackled within close proximity.
  • Frozen an issue causation unintended 'Roughing the Passer' penalties when pass rushers could obviously encounter the eg had been released.
  • Fixed a rare issue with a reach-sack life that could draw misaligned, and make information technology appear like the QB would be tackled by air.
  • Tuning to melt off the amount of broken tackles that were triggering from defenders being out of emplacement, with the most significant tuning being done for the Emulous crippled style. This should result in Interahamw less broken tackles from over/low-pursuit defender alignments.


  • Tuning to reduce steerability spell in Truck animations.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing clump carriers to bog down in the functioning assignment and run out of bounds.
  • Unmoving an issue causing defenders to sometimes use the 'Option Signal caller' carry-style when switching ball hands subsequently an INT.
  • Fixed an issue causing defenders to sometimes jerk in the transition from pre-play to during-encounter movement in occur coverage.
  • Fixed an issue causing Tight Ends to sometimes slide by on the cut when running corner routes against predestinate coverages.
  • Tuning to better formal-carrier ability to get through the line when running routes from the backfield.
  • Fixed a rare issue sometimes causing the ball mailman to freeze up after two spin moves were exploited in quick succession.


  • Fixed an bring out causing the running plump for's receiver ikon to go away after the handoff when running Gun Doubles Y Cancelled RPO Zone Y Peep.
  • Fixed a infrequent issue causation the QB to throw an odd push pass when running Singleback Wing Pair HB Plunk Alert Smoke
  • Fixed an issue causing the QB's arm to bewilder caught informed the running back when attempting to pass during the handoff when running Gun Wing Slot Offset P.A. Jailbreak Silver screen.


  • Tuning to only allow players with the 'Reach For it' Ability equipped to cost able to trigger successful pylon/first-down marker pass-tackles for Competitive game panach.
  • Unmoving a visual issue allowing the in-game indicators to remain visible during the entire play when using the 'Blitz Radar' and 'Menace Detector' abilities.


  • Fixed various issues sometimes causing the coach or other sideline players to ghost through an opposing player during various sideline interactions with players running or falling sideline.
  • Fixed an issue preventing sideline 'serve-risen' animations from triggering in situations where they should.

General Gameplay Improvements

  • Geosynchronous an issue sometimes causing a new field to shipment with invisible players after switching Practice session type from the Apply Pause card.
  • Fixed an issue causing the punter to line up too accurate to the draw of scrimmage when punting from inside the 5-yard line, allowing the punt to be out of use too frequently.

Xbox One, PS4, Personal computer, and Google Stadia temporary hookup notes

Key Highlights

  • In Competitive only, only players with the 'Reach For It' power will trigger certain reaches
  • Fixed blitz's with Nickel Corners in Contain
  • Fine-keyed large-zona defenders in Insure 3
  • Adjusted the length-based pass receiver abilities vs. Man-Insurance coverage
  • Addressed Man-Coverage issues with RPOs and Receiver move
  • Fixed frequency of defenders doing QB Chute avoidance

Gameplay Updates

  • Fixed an issue causation the tight end to stay in his 3-point stance after being motioned to the time slot on running plays away of the Gun Doubles formation.
  • Fixed a visual issue allowing the in-game indicators to remain panoptic during the entire play when victimization the 'Blitz Radar' and 'Threat Sensor' abilities.
  • Fixed an put out causation the QB's arm to get caught connected the pulling sentry duty when throwing the ball early on I-Form Slot Deform Power Alert Smoke.
  • Tuning to the distance-founded pass catcher abilities so the Receivers to increase the recipient's win-chance along the cut vs. military personnel-coverage defenders without a antagonistic-ability, as long the switch off is performed in the designated area of the field.
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causation cornerbacks to instantly bucket along the forward passer when acting man-coverage on RPO Screen plays.
  • Tuning to outside deep-zone defenders in Treat 3 to amend the timing of the drop to get to the appropriate coverage astuteness when aligned o'er an outside receiver running a short itinerary (Drag, Smokescreen, etc.). This adjustment leave allow them to get on deeper and play any deep routes sexual climax from the one-armed bandit.
  • Fixed an exploit allowing the offensive user to manipulate a man-coverage defender by using motion directly after a heated-road.
  • Fixed an issue causing defenders to spark avoidance animations any time whatsoever ball carrier would dive.
  • Fixed an way out allowing an feat blitz with nickel note corners in the contain assignment. New logic and motion has been implemented for pass blockers to better react to this exploit blitzkrieg which is most commonly run out of formations equal Dime 1-4-6.
  • Tuning to pass-blocking system of logic to improve 'block handoffs' for left tackles when facing deuce rushers in the outdoors gap.


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